
In recent years, the rise of giant trucks and SUVs on the roads has raised concerns about safety, particularly for pedestrians. While these vehicles may offer improved safety features for occupants, their size and design pose significant risks to those outside the vehicle in the event of a collision. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has recognized the need to address this issue and has taken steps to implement new regulations aimed at minimizing pedestrian head injuries in crashes involving these vehicles.

The Need for Action

According to NHTSA, pedestrian deaths in the United States have been on the rise, increasing from 4,779 in 2013 to 7,522 in 2022. This alarming trend represents a 57 percent increase in pedestrian fatalities over the span of just nine years. Compared to other developed countries where road deaths have been decreasing, the United States stands out as an outlier with its rising pedestrian fatality rates.

The prevalence of trucks and SUVs on American roads has contributed significantly to the increase in pedestrian deaths. These larger vehicles, with their tall, flat hoods, pose a greater risk to pedestrians in the event of a collision. The sheer size and weight of these vehicles can result in more severe injuries to pedestrians, particularly in head-to-hood crashes.

NHTSA’s Proposed Rule

In response to the growing concern over pedestrian safety, NHTSA has proposed a new rule that would require automakers to design their vehicles with the goal of minimizing pedestrian head injuries in crashes. This rule would apply to all vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less, with a particular focus on trucks and SUVs, which are responsible for a majority of pedestrian fatalities in the U.S.

The proposed rule represents a significant step towards improving pedestrian safety on American roads. By mandating that automakers prioritize pedestrian head injury mitigation in their vehicle designs, NHTSA aims to save an estimated 67 lives per year. This proactive approach to pedestrian safety reflects a shift towards prioritizing the well-being of all road users, not just vehicle occupants.

Implications of the Rule

If implemented, NHTSA’s proposed rule would have far-reaching implications for the automotive industry. Automakers would be required to reevaluate their vehicle designs to ensure that they meet the new safety standards aimed at protecting pedestrians. This may involve incorporating new technologies and materials into vehicle construction, as well as redesigning vehicle exteriors to minimize the risk of head injuries in crashes.

The proposed rule also underscores the importance of addressing pedestrian safety as part of broader efforts to reduce roadway deaths. By focusing on mitigating the risks posed by trucks and SUVs to pedestrians, NHTSA is taking a proactive stance on improving road safety for all users. This shift towards a more holistic approach to safety reflects a growing recognition of the need to prioritize vulnerable road users in transportation policy.


In conclusion, the impact of giant trucks and SUVs on safety, particularly for pedestrians, has prompted federal action to address the issue. NHTSA’s proposed rule represents a significant step towards improving pedestrian safety on American roads by requiring automakers to prioritize pedestrian head injury mitigation in vehicle design. By taking proactive measures to reduce the risks posed by trucks and SUVs to pedestrians, NHTSA is working towards a safer, more inclusive transportation system for all road users.