The Mitsubishi Mirage is currently the most affordable new car in America, priced at $18,000. While some may see this as a great deal due to its newness, fun colors, and ample space, the question remains – is it truly the most budget-friendly car to live with on a daily basis?

The answer to this question varies for each individual, as everyone has different needs and preferences when it comes to their vehicles. Some may prioritize practicality and opt for a truck that offers plenty of space for outdoor gear and portrays a rugged image. In this case, a used Tacoma could be a suitable choice. On the other hand, those who prefer eco-friendly options with significant discounts, tax benefits, and low operating costs might consider a Fisker Ocean, especially since the company is currently offering great deals on both new cars and spare parts.

It’s important to consider what factors are most important to you when choosing a budget-friendly car that you can live with comfortably. Whether it’s affordability, practicality, eco-friendliness, or something else, there are plenty of options available in the market. Share your thoughts in the comments section below on what you believe is the most affordable car to live with day in and day out. We will compile some of the top suggestions in a slideshow next week.