“Boys, we’ve found it,” is the exciting call that echoes through the crew as they finally locate a train that has been submerged a thousand feet deep in a lake since 1947. The underwater camera captures the numbers on the locomotive’s coal tender, known as “The 3512,” as the crew celebrates their discovery. The train, which was carrying a snow plow and lumber before it sank, remains surprisingly well-preserved despite being underwater for over 70 years.

This train, known as the “The 3512,” was on its journey to cross Slocan Lake in British Columbia when the barge it was on tilted and it plunged to the bottom of the lake. For decades, the train’s whereabouts remained a mystery, but with advancements in technology, it has finally been located. The ambitious plan now is to raise the train to the surface, retrieve it, restore it, and get it back in working condition. The restoration of a train that has been submerged for seven decades is no small feat, but the determination and effort put into this project are commendable.

The documentary focuses on Bill Chapman, the last surviving crew member of the sunken train, who at 99 years old, adds a personal and emotional touch to the story. Watching this video, which runs for about an hour and a half, is a worthwhile experience that showcases the indomitable spirit of human beings. The resilience and perseverance displayed in the face of seemingly impossible challenges are truly inspiring. The human race’s willingness to take on daunting adventures is what sets us apart and makes us strive for greatness.

The discovery of “The 3512” and the efforts to bring it back to life serve as a testament to human ingenuity and determination. It is a reminder that with the right mindset and technology, we can overcome even the most challenging obstacles. The restoration of this sunken train is not just about salvaging a piece of history, but also about honoring the hard work and dedication of the individuals involved in the project.

As we watch the story of “The 3512” unfold, we are reminded of the importance of preserving our past and celebrating the achievements of those who came before us. The journey to recover this sunken train is a symbolic representation of our ability to conquer the impossible and breathe new life into forgotten relics. It is a story of hope, resilience, and the enduring human spirit that continues to push the boundaries of what is possible.