A car is one of the most expensive purchases you’ll make in your life, and often, it involves taking out a loan. But if your financial situation changes, the monthly payment on your auto loan may no longer be feasible. Knowing how to get out of a car loan is crucial when you find yourself in this situation.

Whether you’re considering a loan or already have one and need to make a change, this guide on how to get out of a car loan can help. We’ve compiled a few options for trying to alter the terms of the deal or get out of the loan altogether.

One way to get out of a car loan is to sell the vehicle privately. If you’re not upside down on the loan, meaning the car is worth more than what you currently owe on it, you can use the proceeds of the sale to pay off the current loan in full. Before listing your vehicle, reach out to your lender and request the payoff amount to determine how much you need to sell the car for.

Renegotiating the terms of the loan is another option. If you’re facing financial difficulties, contact your lender to discuss possible options. Lenders may offer temporary payment pauses or renegotiate the terms of the loan to help you during challenging times.

Refinancing the loan can also help lower your monthly car payment if interest rates have dropped since you initially took out the loan. By entering into a new loan agreement with either the same lender or a different one, you may secure a lower interest rate and reduce your monthly payment.

Paying off the loan yourself is another way to get out of a car loan. If you have enough cash to cover the full payoff amount, you can eliminate monthly payments. Even paying extra each month can help pay off the loan faster.

Voluntary repossession should be a last resort if you’re unable to get out of your loan in any other way. Informing the lender that you can’t make the monthly payments anymore and surrendering the vehicle voluntarily may have fewer negative consequences for your credit compared to involuntary repossession.

When it comes to getting out of a car lease, you might consider trading in the leased vehicle, buying out the lease, transferring the lease to another person, or opting for early lease termination. Each option has its own set of considerations and potential fees, so it’s essential to explore all possibilities before making a decision.

In addition to these options, you can also work on improving your financial situation by picking up another job, working on your credit, and adjusting your spending habits. These steps can help you afford your monthly payment or even qualify for a better rate.

Knowing how to navigate the process of getting out of a car loan or lease can help you minimize credit damage and improve your financial situation in the long run. By exploring all available options and taking proactive steps, you can find a solution that works best for your circumstances.