
Looking at the data on traffic fatalities and road danger in the United States can be alarming, but it also sheds light on the states that are doing better at keeping drivers safe compared to others. Home Solutions, a data provider, recently conducted a study ranking states based on their road safety performance, including road danger scores and fatalities per 100,000 licensed drivers.

According to Home Solutions, Wyoming has been identified as the deadliest state, with a staggering 57 fatalities per 100,000 licensed drivers. Following Wyoming, the top 10 deadliest states for road fatalities include Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Montana, Arkansas, South Carolina, Kentucky, Louisiana, and West Virginia. These states have significantly higher rates of road deaths compared to others in the country.

Wyoming, in particular, has been struggling with high numbers of highway fatalities for several years, with nearly 25 deaths per 100,000 drivers last year, almost three times the national average. It is important to note that the data on road fatalities may vary depending on the source, as different studies conducted by law firms and state highway patrol offices may provide slightly different numbers.

In addition to the number of fatalities, Home Solutions also calculated a road danger score for each state, taking into account various factors. Surprisingly, Louisiana ranked the highest in terms of road danger, followed by California and New Mexico. Despite having the most fatalities, Wyoming ranked 40th on the road danger scale, indicating that the state faces other road safety challenges beyond just the number of deaths.

The increase in road deaths and safety issues during and after the pandemic can be attributed to a combination of factors. These include more instances of distracted driving, higher rates of speeding, and reduced traffic enforcement. Many police departments have experienced a shortage of officers, leading to fewer patrols on the roads and less stringent enforcement of traffic laws.

It is crucial for states to address these issues and prioritize road safety to prevent further tragedies on the highways. By implementing stricter enforcement measures, promoting safe driving practices, and investing in infrastructure improvements, states can work towards reducing the number of road fatalities and creating safer roads for all drivers.