Tony Stewart, a NASCAR champion, recently hosted a special holiday episode of the streaming series “Racers Roundtable” featuring some incredible female talents in motorsports. Linda Vaughn, Lyn St. James, and Sarah Fisher, all with impressive backgrounds in racing, joined Stewart on the show to share their stories and insights on women in sports.

The episode, titled “The Car Doesn’t Know the Difference,” aired on MAVTV and various streaming platforms on November 27th at 10 p.m. ET. Stewart, along with fellow champion Danny Sullivan, cohosts Racers Roundtable, which features racing legends and current competitors discussing various topics related to the sport.

During the holiday episode, the women shared their experiences of getting involved in motorsports and reflected on the changing landscape for women in sports. Fisher, who comes from a motorsports family, talked about the challenges she faced, including balancing motherhood with her racing career. St. James discussed the importance of increasing visibility of motorsports as a career option for young women, highlighting the progress that has been made in recent years.

Vaughn shared an inspiring story about attending driving school not to compete but to be able to speak knowledgeably about racing in interviews and on TV. She emphasized the importance of shining a light on women in racing and supporting their achievements.

In a conversation with St. James ahead of the episode airing, she expressed her gratitude for being featured on the show and the opportunity to share her story. She also emphasized the importance of highlighting the accomplishments of all racers, regardless of gender, and building a supportive community within the racing world.

The episode served as a platform for these incredible women to share their experiences and insights, and for Stewart to show his respect and appreciation for their contributions to the sport. By featuring a diverse group of guests, the show highlighted the importance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of all individuals in racing.

In addition to the episode, Elana Scherr, a prominent figure in the automotive industry, shared her journey of discovering her passion for cars and writing about them. Her story serves as an inspiration for others to pursue their interests and find their place in the world of motorsports.

Overall, the holiday episode of Racers Roundtable was a celebration of female talent in motorsports and a reminder of the progress that has been made towards gender equality in the sport. It highlighted the importance of supporting and uplifting all individuals in racing, regardless of gender, and building a community of allies within the racing world.