REI is currently hosting its 4th of July Sale and Clearance event, providing customers with fantastic discounts on a wide selection of outdoor gear and apparel. Whether you’re preparing for a camping trip, gearing up for a hike, or getting ready for water sports, now is the perfect time to stock up on high-quality equipment at unbeatable prices.

During this sale, customers can enjoy savings of up to 60% on tents, sleeping bags, and sleeping pads. This is a great opportunity to upgrade your camping essentials and ensure a comfortable outdoor experience. Additionally, REI Co-op members can save 20% on one full-price Yeti cooler, making it easier to keep your food and drinks cold during your adventures.

For those interested in watersports, there are discounts of up to $200 on canoes, kayaks, accessories, and clothing. Cyclists can take advantage of up to 25% off bikes and gear from top brands like Cannondale and Salsa. Climbing enthusiasts will find deals on gear from Petzl and Metolius, with discounts of up to 25%.

Apparel and footwear for the whole family are also on sale, with discounts of up to 40% on women’s, men’s, and kids’ clothing and footwear. Whether you’re in need of hiking boots, jackets, or casual wear, REI has a wide selection to choose from. Additionally, the REI Outlet products are also up to 40% off, providing even more opportunities to save.

REI Co-op members can enjoy special benefits during this sale, including 20% off one Yeti cooler and up to 20% off selected REI Adventures trips. This exclusive offer makes it more affordable for members to explore new destinations and have unforgettable adventures.

Top outdoor brands like The North Face, Patagonia, Arc’teryx, Smartwool, and more are also part of the sale, with discounts of up to 63%. These brands are known for their high-quality, performance-driven products that cater to outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds.

Whether you’re in need of winter clothing essentials, camping gear for cold weather, or looking to turn your car into a comfortable camper, REI’s 4th of July Sale has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on these incredible deals and head to your nearest REI store or visit their website to take advantage of these limited-time offers. Gear up for your next outdoor adventure with the best equipment and apparel at unbeatable prices.